
Serv­ing Sedona, Cot­ton­wood,
the rest of the Verde Val­ley & North­ern Arizona

vertical-lineTel: (928) 2039500
2885 W. SR 89A, Sedona, AZ 86336
(click for map) sedonapaint@​gmail.​com
HOURS: M-​F: 7am-4.30pm, Sat: 9am-​1pm

Sedona Paint Center 22 Years


The Dunn-​Edwards New Neu­trals Collection



Dunn-​Edwards® have been mak­ing their paints in the South­west since 1925. They are ded­i­cated to a “greener by design®” phi­los­o­phy and their mis­sion is to pro­vide high-​quality, eco-​efficient prod­ucts that are safe for you and safe for the envi­ron­ment.

Their wide array of exte­rior and inte­rior paints, primers and spe­cialty coat­ings are for­mu­lated using advanced tech­nol­ogy and pre­mium ingre­di­ents that pro­vide excep­tional performance.

In 2011, Dunn-​Edwards opened the world’s first, and only, LEED Gold-​certified man­u­fac­tur­ing plant in Phoenix, and was designed to be the green­est in the indus­try. All their water-​based paints are EG-​free (Eth­yl­ene Gly­col) and also do not con­tain other toxic air con­t­a­m­i­nants. By using their zero-​VOC col­orants, we are keep­ing their low odor/​low, ultra-​low and zero-​VOC prod­ucts at their respec­tive levels.

Dunn-​Edwards Paints® are also renowned for their designer-​preferred Per­fect Palette®, which has a col­lec­tion of over 2,000 col­ors. Dunn-​Edwards Paints also have a blog site that is designed to be a rich source for ideas and inspi­ra­tion about color. It offers the lat­est design news and trends. Visit www​.spec​s​spaces​.com.

We offer FREE 8oz Per­fect Palette Sam­plers™ to help you find the per­fect color for your space. Each 8oz. sam­pler cov­ers about a 4′ x 4′ area with two coats of paint. You can test any Dunn-​Edwards color, or we can custom-​match to any color of your choice.

We also carry a selec­tion of their sun­dries. Dunn-​Edwards have a cou­ple of spe­cials dur­ing the year on their paints, tools and acces­sories. We are able to offer you the same great deals, in addi­tion to our own promotions.

Details on the Dunn-​Edwards exte­rior and inte­rior fin­ishes that we carry are below. Dunn-​Edwards have a com­pre­hen­sive line of paints and primers, so if you need one that is not listed, please call as we can obtain any of their prod­ucts within a day.

Check out Dunn-​Edwards new Front Door Lim­ited Edi­tion Col­lec­tion on their web site at https://​bit​.ly/​3​v​5​T​k​F​Z.
If you would like to try any of their 80 col­ors, come in and enjoy 2 free sam­ples on us!

“Your door is a reflec­tion of who you are and what you have to say. Make it count. Make it fun. Make it beautiful.

Show the world what you’ve got. Life is bet­ter in color.” (Cour­tesy of Dunn-​Edwards).


Dunn-​Edwards Exte­rior Paints

  • EVER­SHIELD® is a com­plete line of ultra-​premium exte­rior, ultra-​low VOC/​very low odor, 100% acrylic paint that pro­vides max­i­mum pro­tec­tion against UV color fade, efflo­res­cence, water intru­sion, mildew,
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  • ARIS­TOSHIELD™ is an ultra-​premium, water-​based ure­thane alkyd paint. This interior/​exterior paint is a low odor, ultra-​low VOC paint that pro­vides oil-​like per­for­mance in a water-​based paint and
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  • SPAR­TASHIELD® is a com­plete line of high qual­ity, ultra-​low VOC/​very low odor, 100% acrylic latex paints that deliv­ers excep­tional hide, dura­bil­ity and ver­sa­til­ity. Spar­tashield can be used
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  • VERSA® series of interior/​exterior pro­fes­sional latex paints that offers good hide com­bined with a smooth con­sis­tency, good alkali resis­tance and adhe­sion. The Versa line has a low VOC/​low
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  • ACRI-​HUES® is a line of pro­fes­sional, ultra-​low VOC/​very low odor, acrylic paints that pro­vide depend­able per­for­mance, very good dura­bil­ity, adhe­sion and hide. Acri-​Hues can be used at
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Dunn-​Edwards Inte­rior Paints

  • Suprema® is a com­plete line of ultra-​premium inte­rior, ultra-​low VOC/​very low odor, 100% acrylic latex paint. It com­bines excep­tional hide with supe­rior dura­bil­ity, washa­bil­ity and stain resis­tance. Suprema is for­mu­lated to pro­vide bet­ter
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  • ARIS­TOSHIELD™ is an ultra-​premium, water-​based ure­thane alkyd paint. This interior/​exterior paint is a low odor, ultra-​low VOC paint that pro­vides oil-​like per­for­mance in a water-​based paint and is ideal for
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  • SPARTAWALL® is a line of pre­mium, Zero-​VOC paints that have very low odor and no added organic sol­vents. Spartawall pro­vides a tough, durable, block resis­tant fin­ish that is easy to
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  • SPAR­TAZERO® Flat is a Zero-​VOC paint that has very low odor and no added organic sol­vents. Spar­tazero pro­vides excel­lent hide and cov­er­age, dura­bil­ity and per­for­mance. Spar­tazero pro­vides bet­ter washa­bil­ity, scrub
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  • VERSA® series of interior/​exterior pro­fes­sional latex paints that offers good hide com­bined with a smooth con­sis­tency, good alkali resis­tance and adhe­sion. The Versa line has a low VOC/​low odor con­tent, is
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Dunn-​Edwards Primers

  • EFF-​STOP® Select is an inte­rior and exte­rior 100% acrylic masonry primer/​sealer that pro­vides very good resis­tance to alkali and efflo­res­cence. Eff-​Stop® Select can be used on prop­erly cured tilt-​up con­crete,
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  • FLEX-​PRIME® Select is an inte­rior and exte­rior latex masonry primer that pro­vides very good resis­tance to alkali and efflo­res­cence. It is designed to bridge hair­line cracks in masonry sur­faces, result­ing
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