
Serv­ing Sedona, Cot­ton­wood,
the rest of the Verde Val­ley & North­ern Arizona

vertical-lineTel: (928) 2039500
2885 W. SR 89A, Sedona, AZ 86336
(click for map) sedonapaint@​gmail.​com
HOURS: M-​F: 7am-4.30pm, Sat: 9am-​1pm

Sedona Paint Center 22 Years

Mod­ern Mas­ters is rec­og­nized as the num­ber 1 sup­plier of high-​end, spe­cialty water base paint prod­ucts in the world. Their brands include the Metal­lic Paint Col­lec­tion, Metal Effects, Venet­ian Plas­ter and Metal­lic Plaster.

Modern Masters Collage
Sur­round your­self with the warm, rich, shim­mer­ing col­ors from the Metal­lic Paint Col­lec­tion which offers unlim­ited pos­si­bil­i­ties. The Col­lec­tion is avail­able in a Satin and Matt Sheen, and an Exte­rior Satin:
Satin is availale in 58 col­ors (which include 5 sheer col­ors) and are inter-​mixable so you can cre­ate a one-​of-​a-​kind cus­tom color.
Matte is avail­able in 15 of the most pop­u­lar metal­lic col­ors and is for­mu­lated with the same shim­mer­ing par­ti­cles and ease of appli­ca­tion as the “Satin Sheen”.
Exte­rior Satin is non-​tarnishing, water-​based, and for­mu­lated with the same shim­mer­ing par­ti­cles and ease of appli­ca­tion as the orig­i­nal Metal­lic Paint Col­lec­tion. It is avail­able in 12 of the most pop­u­lar col­ors.

Metal Effects Reac­tive Metal­lic Paints, with the Patina Aging Solu­tions & Acti­va­tors, cre­ate beau­ti­ful, authen­tic Patina, Baroque and Rusted Iron fin­ishes on any paintable sur­face.

Their Metal­lic Plas­ter is a trow­el­ing plas­ter that pro­vides a beau­ti­ful shim­mer when applied. The color palette is avail­able in 25 col­ors, but can be inter­mixed to achieve an unlim­ited palette of color.

Their Venet­ian Plas­ter is a low-​VOC, water-​based, tintable, inte­rior acrylic plas­ter that is trowel applied. The for­mu­la­tion allows for an unlim­ited palette of col­ors uti­liz­ing any paint man­u­fac­tur­ers’ color sys­tem. Sim­ply choose a color from one of our fan decks, another brand’s color, or a color that inspires you, for a custom-​tint. Venet­ian Plas­ter can develop a beau­ti­ful, highly pol­ished marble-​like appear­ance. The more you pol­ish, the more translu­cent the fin­ish becomes. This translu­cency cre­ates the depth seen in real mar­ble, and the beau­ti­ful fin­ish is so smooth, it even feels like mar­ble. Var­i­ous other looks are stone or suede.

Visit www​.mod​ern​mas​tersinc​.com for more details.

Col­ors and prod­uct below: 1. Metal­lic Paint. 2. Pale Gold Metal­lic and Pale Gold Matte Metal­lic. 3. Metal Effects — Blue Patina. 4. Metal­lic Plas­ter — Euca­lyp­tus and Ice Blue.
