
Serv­ing Sedona, Cot­ton­wood,
the rest of the Verde Val­ley & North­ern Arizona

vertical-lineTel: (928) 2039500
2885 W. SR 89A, Sedona, AZ 86336
(click for map) sedonapaint@​gmail.​com
HOURS: M-​F: 7am-4.30pm, Sat: 9am-​1pm

Sedona Paint Center 22 Years




Pro Series Solid Color is an advanced stain and sealant in one that pro­tects wood from mois­ture and sun dam­age while adding a rich, opaque color that allows wood tex­ture to show while com­pletely hid­ing the grain, imper­fec­tions and nat­ural color.

With its blend of 100% acrylic and ure­thane tech­nolo­gies, Solid Color pro­vides unsur­passed adhe­sion, pen­e­tra­tion, and flex­i­bil­ity to ver­ti­cal and hor­i­zon­tal sur­faces for long-​lasting performance.

Solid Color Stain deliv­ers high traf­fic per­for­mance on deck sur­faces and is the per­fect choice for long-​lasting beauty on sid­ing, fences, rail­ings, out­door fur­ni­ture and other wood sur­faces. It can be used on new wood, pressure-​treated wood, weath­ered wood, and wood pre­vi­ously stained or painted.

You can choose from 120 col­ors in the Pro Series palette, or we can match any color, includ­ing your exist­ing stain or any col­ors from other brands.

Other fea­tures are:

  • Rain resis­tant fin­ish within 12 hours.
  • Appli­ca­tion down to 35°F and up to 120°F.
  • Water repel­lent.
  • Pow­er­ful UV absorbers pro­tect against fad­ing and UV damage.
  • Pro­vides a mildew-​resistant finish.
  • Resists peel­ing, scuff­ing, blis­ter­ing and mildew.
  • Self-​priming in 2 coats.
  • Soap and water cleanup.
  • Guar­an­teed for 25 years on fences or sid­ing and 10 years on decks.

We can also match any wood tone or color with any of the prod­ucts for end­less possibilities.


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